Friday, December 28, 2007

Miles' Birthday!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Thank You!

Thank you to Tanyetta! She is one special chick! She was cleaning out her son's closet (hey DJ) and didn't know what to do with them and I told her that I would buy them, nmae your price! She and I have similar taste in clothes for our boys and she totally sent them to me and we really needed them since Miles has begun Day Care. I took this picture a while ago this is one of the shirts. Cute right? I just wanted to say thank you again!

Random Pics

miles' christmas

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

December News!

Hey Everybody!

It has been awhile since I have blogged and I apologize to all two of my readers. Work has been very overwhelming. There is a lot to remember on a daily basis, I don't know how the woman who is training me has been doing it for this long! Anyway, I have been dealing with Miles and is aversion to Day Care! He was having a really hard time making the transition form me to school, and on top of that he gets sick from all of free flowin' snot factories and run about the center. After the first 4 days that weekend he threw up and had bad diarrhea, plus fever! Then after that he had off and on fevers from 102 to 103.5. We called the doctor and she said to pump liquids and Tylenol. We did! Then Miles' temp peaked at 105.3(WDAS) so I called the doctor and she didn't seem to think that we should run to the ER just yet so, I put him to bed with a cocktail of Tylenol and Motrin per doctor's request. When he woke up fever was the same! Ryan zoomed home from work and we headed to CHOP. They gave him Tylenol and Motrin and his fever broke to 102 and we were released. It never got back to 105, but they never went away. We called the doctor again, she wanted him to come in the office the next day and Guess What? He has a double ear infection! Yippee! Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday!
He's on a fever reducer and the pink stuff! Miles has been out for over a week with this crap, and tomorrow he goes back. OOOOOOOH the drama will pick up where he left off. Oh Joy!


Christmas was really nice! We are celebrating it in our new home and it felt great. Miles was unfazed by his presents under the tree. Once they were all opened he was in love with one specific toy. It brought him so much joy!

We got a chance to see family we rarely get to see! Xmas eve Jeopardy went off with out a hitch!

One more function this Saturday, lets hope Miles doesn't melt down like last year!

Well gotta go! I have to go to work tomorrow! I'll post pics soon!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Day Care Blues

Miles' most recent Day Care creation

Well Miles still dosen't like Day Care! He cries and cries! His teachers say that he does better during the day, but as soon as I get him he's all tears. He has been on a hunger strike and also not feeling well. It all started on Saturday, when we went to see my parents new home. HE had a ball running all thru the house! That night he had an explosive poo and a bath WAS mandatory! Sunday he woke up ass crack early, only to find him surrounded by vomit and diareahea! NO FEVER! Man was it gross! We cleaned him up and he and I hung out and seemed to be better just a bug! Monday we both went to school and he didn't eat but a very small portion of fruit and wouldn't drink his juice.

Today we both woke up with DA RUNS or Slurps! wink wink Tanyetta! I am beat like Kunta but I have to go to work. Miles will be home since I put him to bed with a fever. I meant to post but I am soooooo tired .
Click on Photo to see war scar on his head!

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Our First Day!

Today was Miles' first day at Day Care! Yes you heard it here first folks! Many of you thought that I would be heading to the Senior Center with Miles on my hip.:) He is at the Center where I work . So I can keep an eye on him.

Set the Scene:

This morning at 5am he woke up voluntarily and stayed up until I got him at 6am. I got him dressed and ready. He was yapping my ear off about something and would not stop. AS we approached the stairs as we do everyday, this day was different. At the top of the stairs he said his word for 1=ee-ya and the counted the steps up to 13(tir-tee). The numbers 3,5,6,8,9,10 are really clear and the rest are choppy. Anyhoo, he ate some of his cereal and milk and banana. When we got to the Day Care he was ok. He pretty much ran into his classroom and saw the toys. Then the teachers kicked me out and told me to check on him a little later. I was coming unglued internally. Miles got attached to a woman whose child I taught in the first grade and would not leave her side. She happens to work in the classroom across from his room.

I came back at lunch and he didn't even acknowledge me when I spoke to him. He was busy eating his apples , the apples of the girl next to him and sitting in his chair. I was so amazed ! WOW! Then I left when the getting was good. When I checked on him again he was taking a nap on a cot.

Ryan came to pick him up at 5pm and the day was done! Ahhhhhhhhhhh.

When I came home My Husband had cleaned the LR, DR,KIT and the our BR. I know! Here's more! HE COOKED DINNER AND CLEANED UP !

Stay Tuned!

Monday, December 03, 2007

No Nuts from a Tree or Yolks for ME!

Today was "The Allergist Day". We all piled up into the truck and headed down to the Children's Hospital. We got there a lil late but not to bad! We registered and seen by the doctor fairly quick. He took some background information and ordered the tests, the lady came in and began to write numbers on Miles' back and then started to put little drops of liquid and then pricked his back 12 times. He still has to come back for a blood test to determine how long he'll have the allergy.

Doc says the he's allergic to Peanuts/Tree nuts and Eggs! That means that he can't have cakes and cookies that have eggs baked in.

Absolutely NO Eggs/Egg products or Peanut/tree nut products! NONE!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Get the Lead Out!!!

As Christmas and Miles' Birthday gets closer and closer, I am racking my brain trying to find toys that are lead and chemical free. All of you bloggy moms are super "with it" and I thought that I would address this issue. I am sure that you may have been on a mad dash to find some toys that are safe for our precious kiddos! Well I have been checking just about every toy in Target and a great deal of them are from CHINA! No surprise there!

Well I have checked the recall list of lead items and so far we were in the clear. My biggest fear is that we will receive many gifts that may contain lead. I have also read that, its not only toys that may be contaminated. But how do we know? Well for starters opt not to buy things that are made in CHINA. I wanted to get Miles some Christmas/Winter dishes w/ Santa or penguins on them and I checked .... yup from CHINA! I found them at CVS and Target. I will keep updating this list and if you have found any new info email me or post a comment and I will add it to the blog and pass it on as well!

Here is what I found,

Here are some websites:

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Has It Been Six Years Already?

Wow where has the time gone? I swear it still amazes me how Ryan and I got together. It reads like a mini movie. If you are not a romantic then there is no need to read any further!! If you are hunker down with a tissue and Enjoy!

Well Ryan and I have been in each others lives since we were six year old. I would be my God-sister's guest at her Sunday School class that Ryan and his twin brother Bryan were in as well. We never played together or even really aware of each other because he was a boy....Ewww! As the years roll on, we found each other back in the same school ... sort of. In the 7th grade, Ryan's school was in a fire and had no where to go and the school I was in open there doors to them while their school was being repaired. It wasn't for long and we never were aware because they kept the schools separate. Again God feeling that we were too young to handle what he had in store! By the time we got to High School we were at a Girls and Boys school! The Boys school went broke and was forced to make my all girl school co-ed. Ryan and I were never in the same social circles in High School. I was in a relationship that lasted for almost 6 years. So we never hung out until Graduation Night. That night proved that I was going to need someone who I could count on no matter what! The guy who I was dating at the time left me to fend for myself that nite, basically stranded b/c he wanted to drink and took his dad's car home! I just know that it was more than fate, that brought us together. Well that night was the nite I knew that Ryan was always going to be there for me . We hung out that whole nite and the next day he CALLED to make sure I was ok. This was June of 1991. We went off to College but not at the same time, however went to school in the same state! We wrote letters and postcards and called each other when we had the money. We were best friends for such a long time, we would spend all of our holiday time together and when we got back to school we got on with our lives. Through the years we had our own relationships with other people and were there for each other for the bumps a bruises. We never judged, just lent a shoulder!

Here is where it begins to get dramatic! One Thanksgiving, Ryan wasn't coming home and I was really bummed! I remember being over at a friends house and she said that someone was at the door for me. I was thinking, who could it be and when I got to the door it was RYAN! I was so happy to say the least. we gave each other a hug but his hug didn't feel like my hug. We pulled apart and the look on his face was somber. We began to walk across the street to my house and I said," You didn't come by yourself did you?" He told me no and that he brought his FIANCE to meet me. I thought I was being hit by a MACK truck! What was I supposed to say to that? Well I rose to the occasion and was polite and gracious, because he was my very best friend. I got to the house and SHE was sitting in my chair, "ghetto"locks was sitting in my chair!
She seemed so unthrilled to be there, oh and believe me I wasn't holding a parade for her either.
The whole thing felt so wrong, they didn't look at each other or have that I am madly in love look. She had attitude for days and even copped on with my mother and that is when I almost lost it and sent her country ass back to Ohio! When he announced that hey were going to go, I felt a tightening in my chest and a knot in my throat. I felt like that was going to be the last time I was gonna see my friend. I knew he was about to make the biggest mistake of his life. SOMETHING HAD TO BE DONE AND I WAS JUST THE GAL!

That night I found myself crying, weeping and sobbing to my mother that I wasn't going to be able to keep what I cherished so dear. All she did was listen. Thought the tears I realized that I loved my friend, more than "just a friend". Well we remained movie buddies, but he was still engaged (and BTW she proposed!) and I was developing feeling for him on a whole new level.

We soon started seeing more of each other, more and more! We were falling in love but we had an issue of a fiance. We went thru ups and downs and around and around. After months of playing boyfriend/girlfriend until he broke it off with her. I basically gave him an ultimatum: her or me! plain and simple! I had given him until May 5th, Cinco de Mayo! I knew that if he didn't choose me I would be upset and hurt but I could stand to see him make a HUGE mistake.

We were placed in each other's lives so that we could learn what real, unconditional love is. We have been learning for 16 years and we continue to learn! Everyday is always something new! I can truly say that I have married my best -est friend in the whole world! I am truly blessesd to be living my dream as we walk side by side through life. SO you see it was a lot more than fate!

I love you !

Monday, November 05, 2007

The Doo-Doo Files!


Yesterday and today Miles woke up from his nap covered in poo! OMG! WTF! Both times his father found him this way. Yeaserday it was everywhere! I was pickeing up crap from wheat seemed like the four corners of his room. I got thru as much as I could before I thought I was gonna puke! Then Ryan took over. Oh yeah and not to mention it was all over the tub, which has been thoroughly scrubbed down in bleach! Our guess is that he digs down the back of his pamper and pulls out a treat! He already knows how to get out of his zip-up pj's. So tonite, I put a t-shirt bodysuit under his pj's. He is on LOCK DOWN! Clink clink!
Well this morning was no different in that I went to get Miles this morning to find him with his pj top pulled down around his waist. Well I went to kiss him and noticed that he has a mark on his face and on his chest. I thought they were scratches but then I gave hima another once over and around his neck line of his top was BROWN!

Can you guess what it was? Yup POO! He was digging in his diaper and wiping it on himself. I just hope he wasn't eating it! Eeeew! It wan't anywhere else. I immediatly ran a bath and scrubbed him down!

Please keep your fingers crossed that this dosen't happen again!

Monday, October 29, 2007

The Happy Birthday Song!

The House of Pity

Skeletons, Forrest Fairies and Doctors Too

We loaded up the truck with Miles and Grandma Arlene in tow, we headed down south to see the fam! Saturday was Olivia's 7th Birthday! It was a costume party at a Roller Rink. There was more than one party happening but it wasn't outta control at all! It was very organized!

We arrived Friday Night about 8:30 and Miles was up the entire trip and finally fell asleep 30min before we got their house. He was up for a little bit but the boss in me wanted him to get back to sleep so as not to knock him too off schedule. HE was down around 10pm and back up at 3:45AM! Well he went to sleep again at 6:45 and up again at 7 something! We all got dressed and trekked to the Rink. Miles was really cute in his Homemade(by me) costume! He even got a lollipop for the costume contest. He should have won! Hahahahah! Olivia seemed to be having a ball as a Forrest Fairy! Such a big girl in roller skates eating candy and skating! You guys have to know that we don't get to see the Reidsville Johnson's very often and the last time I saw Olivia was when she was three.

Miles really enjoyed the party. He wanted to get out there and skate. After the party we went back to their house and opened presents! We changed Miles into play clothes and notices that he was wheezing and had some labored breathing so after it didn't seem to clear up we ....
(if you are a follower of the blog you know that since our Texas trip, include tours of local hospitals!) .... You guessed it we went to the Hospital and thank God we did! When we got there he had a fever and breathing was whistling and rattling. He got a chest x-ray and was really cooperative and got a cool sticker that is still on his shirt! Some one please remind me of that before I wash it! Anyhoo, He also got a blow-bye breathing treatment and meds to reduce inflammation in his chest. What fun! We were (the grown ups) supposed to go the movies but wound up not going and just hung out and ate.

All in all we had a really good time ! And I think it is safe to say that Miles and his big cousins Chris and Olivia got a kick kout of each other! Olivia qiet as it is kept liked picking Miles up and if you know my kid he dosen't like many people picking him up . and Chris enjoyed playing Peek-a-boo. Oh yes I have to thank the kid for letting us crash in his room! So thanks dude!

Here are some pix some candid and some not!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Thank You, Arlene! It was right on time!

My MIL sent this to me today and I thought that I would share this with you all:

A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE ....Enough money within her control to move outAnd rent a place of her own, even if she never wants to or needs to...
A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE ....Something perfect to wear if the employer, or date of her dreams wants to see her in an hour...
A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE ...A youth she's content to leave behind....
A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE ....A past juicy enough that she's looking forward toRetelling it in her old age....
A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE ......A set of screwdrivers, a cordless drill, and a black lace bra...
A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE ..One friend who always makes her laugh... And one who lets her cry...
A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE .....A good piece of furniture not previously owned by anyone else in her family...
A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE ....Eight matching plates, wine glasses with stems, and a recipe for a meal, that will make her guests feel honored...
A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE ....A feeling of control over her destiny.
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW...How to fall in love without losing herself.
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW...How to quit a job, break up with a lover, and confront a friend without; ruining the friendship...
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW...When to try harder... And WHEN TO WALK AWAY...
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW...That she can't change the length of her calves,The width of her hips, or the nature of her parents..
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW...That her childhood may not have been perfect...but its over...
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW...What she would and wouldn't do for love or more...
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW...How to live alone... Even if she doesn't like it...
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW.. Whom she can trust,Whom she can't,And why she shouldn't take it personally...
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW...Where to go...Be it to her best friend's kitchen table...Or a charming inn in the woods...When her soul needs soothing...
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW...What she can and can't accomplish in a day...A month...and a year...
EVERY WOMEN SHOULD KNOW....She will be blessed every day..
KNOW THIS …. That if nothing else... You know that you are truly loved and thought of by the friend who sent this to you... And that she only wishes the best for you and your life...
Thank you for the blessings you have given to my life …matter how large or small….

Monday, October 15, 2007


Tabblo: lifenlove73's Comic

Today the johnson Family decided to take a feild trip to Linvilla orchards. It seems to have become a tradition.

... See my Tabblo>

Sunday, October 14, 2007

This is what happens when a Miles dosen't get his NAP!

**********LOOK WHERE HIS SHIRT IS!**********************

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Our Family Is Still Blooming!

Troy Ellis, Jr.

Born: October 9th

Time: 9:26pm

Weight :7 pounds 13 ounces

Length:20 + 1/2 inches long

Congratulations Troy and Rikki!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Fried Chicken Is Good!

Oatmeal ... It Ain't Just for Breakfast!

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Miles' New Favorite Food!

Yup Grilled Cheese! This is the second day that he has eaten 1/2 of a sandwich. We are soooo happy, we are getting closer. BTW he hates Cream Of Wheat! So do I. I thought that is was the same consistency as his cereal but apparently not!

PS I didn't take this pic.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Do You Remember When He Was This Small?

Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Share Photos - Free Video Hosting

Bending Over Backwards!

Well I finally bit the bullet and took my behind to the chiropractor. I have had a lot of trauma to my back through the years and after I had Miles, it was just getting worse. I have been having trouble sleeping, bending over to pick Miles up, and even getting out of the bed. In the past, I have gone to doctors and therapy, I always felt that that there was something more to be done with my back. Well now is the time and I am actually loving it! I go 4x a week for 4weeks, then 3x a week for 4weeks, 2x a week for 4weeks and 1x week for 4weeks. I get adjusted (snap, crackle, pop), get a 30min massage, and exercises to help me hold the adjustment.

I sleep better than before but not great! I have more energy! I am really looking forward to my appointments. I really can't wait to be free of pain!

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Sick and Tired!

Well for the past week mama and baby have been snifflin and snottin around the house. I figured that we were being attacked by allergies and there was really no way around it. Ya know - NO BIG DEAL! Well I noticed that both our boogers were lovely shades of yellow and green and went very well with the red leaves that have fallen in our yard! We were set to take a little road trip to Rochester, NY to see Miles' God Parents since he hasn't seen them since he was six month old! Saturday morning the boy woke up with a fever. He had felt warm before we put him down but nothing major. I opted not to take him to the doctor and would see how it would play out. I went to get him, as I usually do in the morning and he had a film of yellow-green snot from ear to ear! Yippee and a fever to boot! Well I wanted to be on the safe side and not to push my luck driving through the mountains and irritate his ears. People if you know me, you know my luck with traveling with a sick kid! I just didn't want to risk it! As soon as I got him de-snottified, I called his godparents to let them know we wouldn't be coming. I feel really bad, we all were looking forawrd to this trip. We are trying to figure out when we can do this again. I haven't heard from his Godparents, I hope they understand!

Miles did break his fever last nite and seems to be in good spirits, full of snot, but good spirits nonetheless! Oh yeah, Mommy's doing ok 2!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

My Latest Project

PlayGroup for Miles!

I found a playgroup that is being held on the same campus as my old Elementary School, It is a Day care now. Well anyway we thought it would be great for him. It's from 9:30 to 11:30 am, they have free play, arts and crafts, story/circle time and even snack. It is parent run and we all pitch in to help out. It is a wide range of ages, which is fine but it becomes kind of a free for all when older kids show up!

Miles had a relly great time and went up the steps to the slide and slid down all by himself. Such a proud mama I am! Ryan was also able to go with us which was great! It is 2x a week and only $7 after your first time(free). I think we will go back and stay for circle time. Here are some pics.