Thursday, March 29, 2007

I dared a fellow blogger Janet, to ask me some questions to see what she could come up with. And boy did she come through. This is where it all started!

This is my interview with Wonder Mom
1. If a Firefighter or Policeman were in a fight who would win?
Well obviously, since I am married to a firefighter and would like to stay married, I'll go with Firefighter. Especially Engine men!

2. What is the funniest joke you have ever heard?
When is a door not a door? When It's ajar!

3. What is the one thing you wouldn't want your family to read about on your blog?
I'm not tellin. You trying to get me into trouble!

4. What if cows gave root beer instead of milk?
Then I would be swinging on an udder as we speak.

5. What is most important to you in a friend--loyalty, generosity, honesty--why?
Honesty. I abhor liars!

Monday, March 26, 2007

Out Like a Light!

Today Miles woke up at dark:30 am and neither on of us wanted to be up. He would not settle down and with the crib acting up I didn't want to risk anything happening to him. I went to get him and he as usual was very happy to see me! I took him down stairs and put him in the hiighchair because now I gotta hit the head! Thank the potty gods that there is a bathroom in our livingroom.

I give him his morning coffee(milk) and Play with me Sesame. We played and played. I am noticing that he isn't interested in being into every dang thing. I guess he is tired from his early wake up time.

So at 12pm I took him upstairs to put him down for his nap and he put up a 5min fuss and was, Say it with me everyone Out like a light!

Is this too cute or what?

Monday, March 19, 2007


This morning like every other morning I go to get Miles and begin our day! Well today the rail on his crib would not drop as it is supposed to. We have had this problem usually after we change the sheets on his matress. This is not the case and I am not, I repeat I am not tall, so getting him was a lil difficult. Once I got him out I called Ryan to see if he had any tips and there was nothing said that I hadn't already tried! He just said that he would take care of it when he came home tonite! Sweet dude. The it occored to me that I have to put him down for his nap "in the crib". I tried and tried and nothing. I had to get the step stool I use to get into our bed. Please no laughing! I hear you out there! To make matters worse he wouldn't go to sleep. I was standing there on this stool lokking like the MC at a circus in the cartoons. BTW why are thaey always sooo short?

Win A FREE Blog Template!

My Blog Sista Lindsay, who has done a great job with not only Miles' Page but so many others and will do wonders for yours as well. She is self taught and could turn an ordinary page into something great. Head over to and sign up for a chance to win a FREE FREE FREE FREE Template!
Every so often she will do these Freebies so get in while the getting is good! She is really great to work with ans is not easily offended.... I know I think I have really put her to the test. She really listen's to what you want. So head over to to her page and sign up. Did I remember to say tha it is FREE?

Sunday, March 18, 2007

The ABC's of Miles

Amazing appetite
Big brown eyes
Completely capable of caring
Determined daredevil
Easily energized
Fantastically funny
Great growth
Hard head (it's been tested!)
Jolly jumper
Kind king
Living life
Mighty Miles
Naturally noisey
Opposite of ordinary
Perfectly pleasant
Quick and quirky
Rapid ripper of books
Sparkling smile
Tall thinker!
Undenialbly the best thing since sliced cheese!
Volume Volume Volume!
Wobbly walker
Zipper puller

Friday, March 16, 2007

A Sighting!


Well I did a little homework and found out that the teeth coming in are right on schedule! They just seemed too far back. Shucks what do I know!

You have only one guess of the sighting.... give up OK I'll tell you! Miles has 2 new teeth and they are not the ones that are supposed to come next! He has really been mooooody! and rashy on his jaw line and low appetite. Well yesterday we were in Home Depot to get a new kitchen faucet to fit our dishwasher and he was ULTRA fussy and I decided to give him some orajel and I put in the spot where I thought the next ones were coming in and boy was I wrong because when he tilted his head back and opened his mouth I saw two white edges and of course I put my finger back there and sure enuf they were bona fide teeth!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

I am so in love!

Well the other day I was outside sweeping my front porch and my neighbor who barely speaks, nearly talked my ear off! She is a "Foster Parent" I put the quotes there because the motives are questionable. ( That's another post!) She brought out this little angel and her name is Marie. She had little curls on the top of her head and short hair around the sides and back. It was perfect like she had been to the hair cut place! Her eye were so bright and brown and full of wonderment. At 3months old she was already sick and on the road to recovery. Everytime I spoke to her she smiled at me like we were bonding, meanwhile my heart was in my throat! Here she was potentially an orphan and with this "questionable" Foster Parent. If some one told me that she was mine for the taking, all you would have seen were dust trails!

OMG, I couldn't believe how attached I have become to this little one that I've only seen once! She has even been my dreams 2 nites in a row! I would love Ryan to see her. I know he'd feel the same! I wish I could have taken a picture!

Thanks for listening!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Our New Car!

Friday, March 09, 2007

Miles The Builder, Can he Fix It.....

Yes He Can!

Monday, March 05, 2007

Friday, March 02, 2007

14 Months Old !

Well Miles is 14mos old ! I can't believe that it has been going by so fast! All of my other Mommy friends have been talking about how they grow up so fast and how we aren't exactly ready for them to need us less and less with every passing milestone. Miles is really handling toddler hood pretty well for now, I do know that he has toddler sizes teething grenades of attitude ready to have the pin pulled!

Today I packed away all of his bottles and nipples, not because he's 14mos but he has been drinking from a sippy cup pretty consistently for about a month, so no time like the present! I bought these and these, since he seems to be comfortable with them. I also did it because if the sippy cups are dirty then Daddy would use a clean bottle, I know this cuz we have done it! On to more news, Miles is actually playing with the rocket that his Grandmommy and Poppie gave him for Christmas, before he was just too attracted to the wheels. Naptime is less traumatic, however he falls asleep before I put him down. This is usually where I find him sleeping!

Miles is finally getting over a cold! Yippeeeeeeee. Now I believe that he HATES his Playroom! I know that all last week we tried to put him in there so we all could play and he had a fit. You'd think it was a torture chamber or something. Before he was sick he loved being in there. I will try him on Monday to see if he likes it again. I had so many plans for the room but now I am not motivated to work in a room that torments my son.

On a more Melanie note, I made my first Rachael Ray recipe. It was great if you like it like this! That is so not like me to do that, I re-toasted the bread in the oven and it was great if you like it spicy! The Gyro burgers were great! Oh Janet, maybe Mike can make these cuz I know you don't do the whole hadling of raw meat, however the Greek salad you'd probablly like!