Saturday, April 26, 2008

Oh My Noodles and Gravy!

Wow! Recently I have been feeling like a real loser at my job and no matter how many times I repeat my mantra, I don't feel like a winner! Well today I am a winner. I won a contest a really cool contest. If you read my blog you know that my good bloggy gal pal Lindsay @ My
Splatter Painted Life
held a win a template contest and I won. I read on her blog a while back that she was training to run in a half marathon and I wanted to donated to her cause but i was broke as a joke and late on bills blah blah blah, but I fell that it is very important to give back someway somehow. I am even trying to get the two year old to give back so we are going to collect all the spare change and donate it in his name and hopefully when he is older he'll get it.

When I was cruising i checked out her blog and found out that I won! I lose cool points cuz I cried like them fools on TV! But you guys don't understand I DON'T WIN ANYTHING!

Thanx Lindsay !

Thursday, April 24, 2008



Hello to all the people who read my blog i=or if this is your first time stopping by please read! My bloggy gal pal Lindsay over at My Splattered Painted Life is having a Template giveaway.

She is training to run in a marathon to raise money for The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society to help find new cures and she is almost finished with about 70% of my fund raising goal!

So here is her contest...She will create 3 templates for the person that can help her raise the most money in the next week and a half.
The 3 can be seasonal, all different so you can pick and choose different looks whenever you want or you can pass them out to you and 2 other friends.
Take one for your self and do a giveaway on your site for the others...Your options are endless!This prize is worth close to if not a little more then $300.
What you will get...3 templates including header designs, background designs, sidebar categories and a fun signature. She will give the winner 15credits towards images at istockphoto... which can be split between the 3 sites or used how ever you prefer.
The ending date will be 11 days from today which isApril 25th
How do I do this... ??? To enter the CONTEST you must donate a minimum of $5 to her donation site.
Post one of these banners on your site and explain what you are doing and what the reason for the contest is...(example)
Whoever is interested in signing up can click on the banner to find out more.You can either help fund raise by explaining about the race and how this money is going to help The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's or you can hook up with 2 other friends and all raise money for the 3 sites.
Add the donation site link to your blog post about this contest and make sure you post that if anyone donates in your name to add your site name in their donation, so we can keep tabs on the amount you have raised!
** you never know.. you may get 3 templates for just $5 if no one else enters the contest???***You can have people donate in your honor and either let herknow by email or have the person donating for you put the donation in your name... every dollar helps!!!or you can donate your highest amount in the beginning and other donations in your name will be added to that amount.
If you are participating in this challenge Please link up below!
** She will post all the names of the donations as she receives them every day, so you can see who your competition is... Just scroll down to the bottom of this post to see the list of participants!**
On April 24th, the day before the auction ends, She will list the amounts I have received, this way if you want to bump up your contribution to win... you can at this time!

All Wet!

Miles in his Firefighter boots. He was helping his daddy water the yard and was playing ing the water! Man did he have a ball. Can't really tell since he has his seriou face on..
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In My Uggs Again ... ( sung to the tune of "On the Road Again" by Willie Nelson)
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Rub-butt Bub-butt!

Miles loves his raincoat. It is in fact a frog coat you can't really tell. Everytime he wears it he goes, "Rub-butt Rub-butt!
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Wednesday, April 23, 2008


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Sunday, April 06, 2008

Day Care Blues!

Lately Miles' daycare has been slipping! The past few times that I have taken Miles to school, we have been ignored! Miles already doesn't like to go to school and I am beginning to know why. When we arrive, I take his coat and hat off, give him his juice and cereal, hug and kiss him, then scoot him into his room. He begins to cry and my heart breaks into a million little pieces and out of the four teachers who are gathered around talking, NO ONE does anything about the crying child. Not one of the teachers speak to us when we arrive. So I ask one of the slackers where the Director is and as soon as they reply and I go and find her I hear someone call his name.

When I found the Director, I had to speak with her about what had just happened and she nodded me up and down and said that they were going to handle it. Yeah right! I already had a talk about Miles' sensitive skin and how Miles comes home smelling of bad perfume and it is breaking his face out. I am not exaggerating when I say that it gets so bad that he scratches his face until bloody. I emailed her a memo about it and he got his daily report on Friday, it said, Instructions from Parent: Do not hold Miles he may be breaking out from teacher's perfurm. Yes I left the misspelled words in on purpose!

We are, to say the least fed up and ready to pull him out! My memo didn't say anything about not holding my child. If Miles was an infant would I be getting the run around? Our request are not unreasonable but they are necessary. Any suggestions? Advice? I am on fire right now!

Day Care Blues!