Monday, October 29, 2007

The Happy Birthday Song!

The House of Pity

Skeletons, Forrest Fairies and Doctors Too

We loaded up the truck with Miles and Grandma Arlene in tow, we headed down south to see the fam! Saturday was Olivia's 7th Birthday! It was a costume party at a Roller Rink. There was more than one party happening but it wasn't outta control at all! It was very organized!

We arrived Friday Night about 8:30 and Miles was up the entire trip and finally fell asleep 30min before we got their house. He was up for a little bit but the boss in me wanted him to get back to sleep so as not to knock him too off schedule. HE was down around 10pm and back up at 3:45AM! Well he went to sleep again at 6:45 and up again at 7 something! We all got dressed and trekked to the Rink. Miles was really cute in his Homemade(by me) costume! He even got a lollipop for the costume contest. He should have won! Hahahahah! Olivia seemed to be having a ball as a Forrest Fairy! Such a big girl in roller skates eating candy and skating! You guys have to know that we don't get to see the Reidsville Johnson's very often and the last time I saw Olivia was when she was three.

Miles really enjoyed the party. He wanted to get out there and skate. After the party we went back to their house and opened presents! We changed Miles into play clothes and notices that he was wheezing and had some labored breathing so after it didn't seem to clear up we ....
(if you are a follower of the blog you know that since our Texas trip, include tours of local hospitals!) .... You guessed it we went to the Hospital and thank God we did! When we got there he had a fever and breathing was whistling and rattling. He got a chest x-ray and was really cooperative and got a cool sticker that is still on his shirt! Some one please remind me of that before I wash it! Anyhoo, He also got a blow-bye breathing treatment and meds to reduce inflammation in his chest. What fun! We were (the grown ups) supposed to go the movies but wound up not going and just hung out and ate.

All in all we had a really good time ! And I think it is safe to say that Miles and his big cousins Chris and Olivia got a kick kout of each other! Olivia qiet as it is kept liked picking Miles up and if you know my kid he dosen't like many people picking him up . and Chris enjoyed playing Peek-a-boo. Oh yes I have to thank the kid for letting us crash in his room! So thanks dude!

Here are some pix some candid and some not!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Thank You, Arlene! It was right on time!

My MIL sent this to me today and I thought that I would share this with you all:

A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE ....Enough money within her control to move outAnd rent a place of her own, even if she never wants to or needs to...
A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE ....Something perfect to wear if the employer, or date of her dreams wants to see her in an hour...
A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE ...A youth she's content to leave behind....
A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE ....A past juicy enough that she's looking forward toRetelling it in her old age....
A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE ......A set of screwdrivers, a cordless drill, and a black lace bra...
A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE ..One friend who always makes her laugh... And one who lets her cry...
A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE .....A good piece of furniture not previously owned by anyone else in her family...
A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE ....Eight matching plates, wine glasses with stems, and a recipe for a meal, that will make her guests feel honored...
A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE ....A feeling of control over her destiny.
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW...How to fall in love without losing herself.
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW...How to quit a job, break up with a lover, and confront a friend without; ruining the friendship...
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW...When to try harder... And WHEN TO WALK AWAY...
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW...That she can't change the length of her calves,The width of her hips, or the nature of her parents..
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW...That her childhood may not have been perfect...but its over...
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW...What she would and wouldn't do for love or more...
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW...How to live alone... Even if she doesn't like it...
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW.. Whom she can trust,Whom she can't,And why she shouldn't take it personally...
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW...Where to go...Be it to her best friend's kitchen table...Or a charming inn in the woods...When her soul needs soothing...
EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW...What she can and can't accomplish in a day...A month...and a year...
EVERY WOMEN SHOULD KNOW....She will be blessed every day..
KNOW THIS …. That if nothing else... You know that you are truly loved and thought of by the friend who sent this to you... And that she only wishes the best for you and your life...
Thank you for the blessings you have given to my life …matter how large or small….

Monday, October 15, 2007


Tabblo: lifenlove73's Comic

Today the johnson Family decided to take a feild trip to Linvilla orchards. It seems to have become a tradition.

... See my Tabblo>

Sunday, October 14, 2007

This is what happens when a Miles dosen't get his NAP!

**********LOOK WHERE HIS SHIRT IS!**********************

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Our Family Is Still Blooming!

Troy Ellis, Jr.

Born: October 9th

Time: 9:26pm

Weight :7 pounds 13 ounces

Length:20 + 1/2 inches long

Congratulations Troy and Rikki!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Fried Chicken Is Good!

Oatmeal ... It Ain't Just for Breakfast!

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Miles' New Favorite Food!

Yup Grilled Cheese! This is the second day that he has eaten 1/2 of a sandwich. We are soooo happy, we are getting closer. BTW he hates Cream Of Wheat! So do I. I thought that is was the same consistency as his cereal but apparently not!

PS I didn't take this pic.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Do You Remember When He Was This Small?

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Bending Over Backwards!

Well I finally bit the bullet and took my behind to the chiropractor. I have had a lot of trauma to my back through the years and after I had Miles, it was just getting worse. I have been having trouble sleeping, bending over to pick Miles up, and even getting out of the bed. In the past, I have gone to doctors and therapy, I always felt that that there was something more to be done with my back. Well now is the time and I am actually loving it! I go 4x a week for 4weeks, then 3x a week for 4weeks, 2x a week for 4weeks and 1x week for 4weeks. I get adjusted (snap, crackle, pop), get a 30min massage, and exercises to help me hold the adjustment.

I sleep better than before but not great! I have more energy! I am really looking forward to my appointments. I really can't wait to be free of pain!