Friday, December 28, 2007

Miles' Birthday!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Thank You!

Thank you to Tanyetta! She is one special chick! She was cleaning out her son's closet (hey DJ) and didn't know what to do with them and I told her that I would buy them, nmae your price! She and I have similar taste in clothes for our boys and she totally sent them to me and we really needed them since Miles has begun Day Care. I took this picture a while ago this is one of the shirts. Cute right? I just wanted to say thank you again!

Random Pics

miles' christmas

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

December News!

Hey Everybody!

It has been awhile since I have blogged and I apologize to all two of my readers. Work has been very overwhelming. There is a lot to remember on a daily basis, I don't know how the woman who is training me has been doing it for this long! Anyway, I have been dealing with Miles and is aversion to Day Care! He was having a really hard time making the transition form me to school, and on top of that he gets sick from all of free flowin' snot factories and run about the center. After the first 4 days that weekend he threw up and had bad diarrhea, plus fever! Then after that he had off and on fevers from 102 to 103.5. We called the doctor and she said to pump liquids and Tylenol. We did! Then Miles' temp peaked at 105.3(WDAS) so I called the doctor and she didn't seem to think that we should run to the ER just yet so, I put him to bed with a cocktail of Tylenol and Motrin per doctor's request. When he woke up fever was the same! Ryan zoomed home from work and we headed to CHOP. They gave him Tylenol and Motrin and his fever broke to 102 and we were released. It never got back to 105, but they never went away. We called the doctor again, she wanted him to come in the office the next day and Guess What? He has a double ear infection! Yippee! Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday!
He's on a fever reducer and the pink stuff! Miles has been out for over a week with this crap, and tomorrow he goes back. OOOOOOOH the drama will pick up where he left off. Oh Joy!


Christmas was really nice! We are celebrating it in our new home and it felt great. Miles was unfazed by his presents under the tree. Once they were all opened he was in love with one specific toy. It brought him so much joy!

We got a chance to see family we rarely get to see! Xmas eve Jeopardy went off with out a hitch!

One more function this Saturday, lets hope Miles doesn't melt down like last year!

Well gotta go! I have to go to work tomorrow! I'll post pics soon!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Day Care Blues

Miles' most recent Day Care creation

Well Miles still dosen't like Day Care! He cries and cries! His teachers say that he does better during the day, but as soon as I get him he's all tears. He has been on a hunger strike and also not feeling well. It all started on Saturday, when we went to see my parents new home. HE had a ball running all thru the house! That night he had an explosive poo and a bath WAS mandatory! Sunday he woke up ass crack early, only to find him surrounded by vomit and diareahea! NO FEVER! Man was it gross! We cleaned him up and he and I hung out and seemed to be better just a bug! Monday we both went to school and he didn't eat but a very small portion of fruit and wouldn't drink his juice.

Today we both woke up with DA RUNS or Slurps! wink wink Tanyetta! I am beat like Kunta but I have to go to work. Miles will be home since I put him to bed with a fever. I meant to post but I am soooooo tired .
Click on Photo to see war scar on his head!

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Our First Day!

Today was Miles' first day at Day Care! Yes you heard it here first folks! Many of you thought that I would be heading to the Senior Center with Miles on my hip.:) He is at the Center where I work . So I can keep an eye on him.

Set the Scene:

This morning at 5am he woke up voluntarily and stayed up until I got him at 6am. I got him dressed and ready. He was yapping my ear off about something and would not stop. AS we approached the stairs as we do everyday, this day was different. At the top of the stairs he said his word for 1=ee-ya and the counted the steps up to 13(tir-tee). The numbers 3,5,6,8,9,10 are really clear and the rest are choppy. Anyhoo, he ate some of his cereal and milk and banana. When we got to the Day Care he was ok. He pretty much ran into his classroom and saw the toys. Then the teachers kicked me out and told me to check on him a little later. I was coming unglued internally. Miles got attached to a woman whose child I taught in the first grade and would not leave her side. She happens to work in the classroom across from his room.

I came back at lunch and he didn't even acknowledge me when I spoke to him. He was busy eating his apples , the apples of the girl next to him and sitting in his chair. I was so amazed ! WOW! Then I left when the getting was good. When I checked on him again he was taking a nap on a cot.

Ryan came to pick him up at 5pm and the day was done! Ahhhhhhhhhhh.

When I came home My Husband had cleaned the LR, DR,KIT and the our BR. I know! Here's more! HE COOKED DINNER AND CLEANED UP !

Stay Tuned!

Monday, December 03, 2007

No Nuts from a Tree or Yolks for ME!

Today was "The Allergist Day". We all piled up into the truck and headed down to the Children's Hospital. We got there a lil late but not to bad! We registered and seen by the doctor fairly quick. He took some background information and ordered the tests, the lady came in and began to write numbers on Miles' back and then started to put little drops of liquid and then pricked his back 12 times. He still has to come back for a blood test to determine how long he'll have the allergy.

Doc says the he's allergic to Peanuts/Tree nuts and Eggs! That means that he can't have cakes and cookies that have eggs baked in.

Absolutely NO Eggs/Egg products or Peanut/tree nut products! NONE!