Saturday, October 18, 2008

Ok I get the Hint!

I know its been a long time since you were able to read about Miles! I do apologize. I have really been busy with me Day Care center. As the Director, I am doing everything all at once. We are really taking off! Our corporate office was visiting as well as auditing us and they couldn't stop saying how much the center has improved. I hung out with the senior VP of Operations and she was really impressed! Next Saturday is our Grand Re-Opening and we have all kinds of stuff going on!

Well enough about lil ol me on with the show!

Miles Is still at the Day care I hate! But that's about to change on Payday! We found a day care that is a home day care. we went to visit last week and I think he liked it. He wasn't shy at all! Ryan and I are really excited to see if this will be a match!

We went to Linvilla Orchards a couple of weeks ago and he and his Elijah had a ball! We saw ducks, bunnies, goats and emus. I even let a horse eat out of my hand ... I loved it! I have been looking for the right costume this Halloween and I finally found it at Old Navy. Miles will be a Monkey! He actually has tried it on and seems to like it!

The other day Miles was counting and I noticed that he was counting in Spanish! It took me a second and then I realized he was saying, "oona,das, tess,cato, seeno, sees,c-tay, ocho, newvie, dees! He's also can recognize the letters of the alphabet in sign language. He gives the best hugs. He says delicious and yum when things are good. He says your welcome and expects you to say thank you!

He also has a buddy at school and her name is Kaylen. The two of them are inseparable. Wherever he goes she is right behind him. they hold hand at the lunch table and he even shares his pretzels with her!

Wednesday, October 08, 2008
